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1.4.10. Science

We may all be social artists in our communities, but in the end, our understanding of this is all driven by science.
There is an active feedback loop happening right now:
  1. Scientific method wildly successful and bringing forth new, life altering ideas and innovations ...
  2. Scientific method is a direct parent of the open source methodology ...
  3. Open source way practiced in business/private sector ...
  4. Influences academia ...
  5. Influences public/government ...
  6. Funds science and supports innovation ...
  7. Iterating through more ideas for the Great Ones ...
  8. (Back to top)
The open source way is breaking through to help make new ideas happen ... in organizations that brought us the ideas of free government and free, public education ... ideas that were revolutionary and evolutionary in the 19th century ... that fueled a century of innovation ... and are now getting refueled by new ways of openly collaborating on infrastructures of freedom.